Over 100,000 satisfied customers

Slim Wallet:Stylish All-Rounder

Our slim wallets are small, yet generously equipped wallets that are available in different sizes, colors and materials and often even contain a pocket for change. these wallets are usually slightly larger than a traditional card case, but smaller than a wallet as you typically know it. depending on the model, the coin compartment also offers enough space for small change. in addition, the spaceproducts slim wallets are available in different sizes, depending on how many cards and banknotes you want to store. we only offer high-quality materials such as Cork, Leather or aluminum to ensure that the slim wallet lasts and can withstand the demands of everyday use. We also have wallets that match the wallets Card Shields with RFID protection to protect your card data from unauthorized access.

Du siehst hier das Space Wallet Push Antique

Choose your Space Wallet - Slim Wallets made of leather, cork or faux leather

Space News

Information from the life of small purses

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Slim wallets from spaceproducts

Seit 2013 sind wir einer der deutschen Anbieter von Slim Wallets.

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer neuen Geldbörse bist,
mit der du all deine Karten und Geldscheine bequem in deiner Hosentasche aufbewahren kannst, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!

Es gibt wohl kaum ein kleineres und praktischeres Portemonnaie als unser Slim Wallet - ein Geldbeutel, der den Fokus auf das Wesentliche legt und Platz für alles bietet, was du brauchst.